
The Tortoise and the Birds

an eagle grabbed a cute Tortoise's hard shell with her strong claws and flying

Once upon a time, there was a slow but steady Tortoise who wanted to find a new home. He thought flying with the help of a kind Eagle would be a great idea. So, he asked the Eagle for a ride, promising a nice treat in return.

The Eagle agreed and grabbed the Tortoise’s hard shell with her strong claws. They flew high up in the sky. Along the way, they met a clever Crow who said to the Eagle, “Tortoise is yummy food.”

“The shell is too tough to crack,” replied the Eagle confidently.

“The rocks will break it open easily,” the Crow hinted.

Understanding the hint, the Eagle dropped the Tortoise onto a sharp rock below. Then, the Eagle and the Crow enjoyed a tasty meal together.

The moral of the story? Never trust your enemies, even if they offer you a lift.

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