

“In a certain lake, there lived a turtle, by the name of Kambugriva. Two swans, whose names were Sankata and Vikata, were her friends. Every day, the three of them would go to the bank of the lake and tell each other stories about holy saints and hermits, and then go home at sunset.

“After a few years, that part of the country had no rain and, bit by bit, the lake began to dry up.

“The two swans were worried about it and said to the turtle, ‘This lake is becoming nothing but mud. We are worried as to how we will be able to survive here without water.’

“‘My friends,’ replied the turtle, ‘it’s quite true that it’s impossible to stay here. But we will find some way out, for: ‘Even in bad times, A man should not lose hope, For by making an effort, He can certainly find a solution.’

“So,” continued the turtle, “first look for a lake full of water. Then find a strong stick or a rope from somewhere. I shall hold on tight with my mouth to the middle of the stick and you can hold the ends and carry me like this, to the lake.”

“‘Friend,’ replied the swans, ‘we’ll do what you suggest, but while we’re flying, you mustn’t open your mouth to speak, or you will fall off the stick!’

“They carried out this plan. When they had flown some distance, the turtle saw below, a town. The town people looked up and saw something being carried in the sky. They said to each other, full of admiration, ‘Look at that! Those birds are carrying a round thing!’

“When the turtle heard the commotion, she opened her mouth to ask, ‘What’s all that noise about!’ But of course the minute she opened her mouth to speak, she fell down to the earth. And the people hacked her to pieces and ate her.

“And so,” continued the female tittibha, “that’s why I said: ‘Those who refuse to follow The advice of friends who wish them well, Come to grief, Like the foolish turtle who fell off the stick.’ And, ‘He who puts his mind to a problem Before it presents itself, And he who puts his mind to it When it actually arrives, Both these categories escape, But those who depend on luck, Will be destroyed, As Yadbhavishya was, by the fishermen.’

“How was that?” asked the male tittibha.

And his wife told him: THE STORY OF THE THREE FISHES

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