

“In a certain town, there lived a weaver by the name of Somilaka. The cloth he wove was so exquisite that it was fit to be worn by kings. But somehow, he could earn only just enough to make two ends meet. On the other hand, the other weavers, who produced inferior cloth, had become very rich.

“Seeing this, the weaver said to his wife, ‘My dear, look at this! These weavers produce inferior cloth and yet they have become rich, while I remain poor. I am fed up with this place! I mean to go to some other kingdom and make money there.’

“‘My dear husband,’ replied his wife, ‘you’re quite wrong in thinking that you will earn money somewhere else, when you can’t make it here, for they say: “What is not predestined, Do what you will, Can never happen: What is not predestined, Will even come into your hand And yet slip away: But what destiny has planned, Will surely come to pass Without your help: For destiny and action Go hand in hand, The one is as much a part of the other, As light and shade.” And, “As a calf will find out its mother Amongst a thousand cows. So destiny selects its performers From amongst the masses.”

‘And so,’ continued his wife, ‘carry on working here.’

‘My dear,’ said the weaver, ‘what you say isn’t true, for they say: “No plan can succeed, Without determined effort, Any more than you can clap with one hand.” Even if destiny makes food available, you have to stretch out your hand and take it. It does not fall into your mouth, any more than a deer falls into the mouth of a reclining lion. It’s the people who make a determined effort who succeed. As they say: “Lakshmi bestows her favours, On the zealous man, She scorns the idle, Who depend entirely on luck. So, brush destiny aside And try with all your might. If you still fail, Find out what went wrong.” ‘And so, my dear,’ continued the weaver, ‘I have made up my mind to go somewhere else.’

Soon afterwards, the weaver left his home town and went to Vardhamanapura. He lived there for three years and earned three hundred pieces of gold. Then he started off on his journey home.

He was halfway home, and still deep in the jungle, when the sun set. For fear of the wild animals, he climbed up a big banyan tree and went to sleep there. While he slept, he had a dream. He saw two terrifying-looking people, arguing with each other.

‘Action!’ said one of them to the other. ‘Why did you allow Somilaka to earn three hundred pieces of gold? Don’t you know that he is destined to earn only what he requires for his food and clothing?’

‘Destiny!’ replied the other. ‘What could I do? This man put in great effort and I had to reward him according to his actions. But it is still for you to decide how much he is going to retain. So why blame me?’

When the weaver woke up, he peered into his bundle and found that the gold coins had disappeared. He began to think sadly, ‘Oh, whatever has happened? I took so much time and trouble to earn this money and it has vanished in a moment. All my efforts were in vain. How can I show my face to my wife and friends in this poverty-stricken condition?’

“And so, he decided not to continue the journey home and he returned to Vardhamanapura. In a year’s time, he had earned five hundred gold coins. Once more, he started off on his homeward journey. As before, halfway home, he was still deep in the jungle when the sun set. For fear of losing his gold coins, as on the previous occasion, he did not stop to rest but continued to walk fast, even though he was very tired.

After a while, he heard voices. Two men were talking:

‘Action!’ said one of them to the other. ‘Why did you let Somilaka earn five hundred gold pieces? Don’t you know that he is destined to earn only what he requires for his food and clothing?’

‘Destiny!’ replied the other. ‘What could I do? The man put in a great effort and I had to reward him according to his actions. But it is still for you to decide how much he is going to retain. So why blame me?’

When Somilaka heard this, he peered into his bag and found that the gold coins had disappeared.

He was so utterly disheartened that he thought to himself, ‘Oh, what is the good of living, if I have lost my money. I shall hang myself from this banyan tree.’

And so, he wove a rope of grass, made a noose and tied the rope to the tree. He put the noose around his neck and was just about to throw himself down, when he heard a voice from heaven.

‘Somilaka!’ said the voice. ‘Stop! Don’t do such a thing! It is I, Destiny, who stole your gold coins. I cannot bear that you should earn even a cowrie more than what you require for your food and clothing. But I am pleased with your industrious spirit. I have not revealed myself to you in vain – ask any boon of me and I will grant it.’

‘Very well then,’ replied Somilaka, ‘please give me a lot of money.’

‘But what will you do with money that you can’t make use of?’ asked the voice. ‘You are not destined to earn more than what you require for your food and clothing.’

‘Even if I can’t enjoy it,’ said Somilaka, ‘please give it to me, for: “A man who has riches, Is always well received by everyone, Even if he is a miser or of low caste.” ‘

‘Ah!’ said the voice from the sky. ‘But first return to Vardhamanapura and go to the homes of two merchants. One is called Guptadhana and the other, Upabhuktadhana. When you have studied their behaviour, come back and tell me whether you would prefer to be like Guptadhana and have money but not enjoy it, or to be like Upabhuktadhana and have no surplus money because you enjoy spending all what you have.’ Then the voice in the sky ceased.

“And so, Somilaka started back to Vardhamanapura in a dazed condition. By evening he reached the city, absolutely worn out. He inquired for Guptadhana’s house and finally arrived there. Although Guptadhana, his wife and his son objected very strongly, he forcibly entered their house and became their guest.

When it was mealtime, they gave him food but in a most insulting manner. When he had finished eating, he went off to bed. While he slept, he heard the same two people talking:

‘Action!’ said one of them to the other. ‘Why did you force Guptadhana to provide Somilaka with a meal when he gave it so begrudgingly. Don’t you know that Guptadhana is destined to have money but not enjoy spending it on himself or others?’

‘Destiny!’ replied the other. ‘What could I do? Somilaka’s needs had to be provided for and Guptadhana did it according to his own miserly nature. But it is for you to decide the final outcome. So why blame me?’

Early the following morning, when Somilaka got up, he found that Guptadhana had an attack of cholera and couldn’t eat all day.

Then Somilaka went on to Upabhuktadhana’s house. He was welcomed with open arms. His hosts provided him with excellent bathing facilities and gave him new clothes. Afterwards, he dined lavishly.

At nighttime, he retired to a comfortable bed and went to sleep. While he slept, he heard the same two people talking:

‘Action!’ said one of them to the other. ‘Why did you allow Upabhuktadhana to entertain Somilaka so extravagantly, even to the extent of asking for credit at the grocer’s? Don’t you know that Upabhuktadhana is destined to have no surplus money because he enjoys spending all what he has?’

‘Destiny!’ replied the other. ‘What could I do? Somilaka’s needs had to be provided for and Upabhuktadhana did it according to his own generous nature. But it is for you to decide the final outcome. So why blame me?’

Early next morning, one of the king’s servants arrived and brought money for Upabhuktadhana.

When Somilaka saw this, he said, ‘This Upabhuktadhana is not a rich man and yet he is better off than Guptadhana. Let Destiny make me like Upabhuktadhana.’

His wish was granted and he began to enjoy his money to the full just like Upabhuktadhana.

“And so,” continued Mantharaka, “that’s why I said: ‘A wise man uses his wits To make money But avoids being a miser, For he may be destined to lose his money: The art is in learning how to enjoy it. This is what Somilaka learned in the deep jungle.’

“Hiranyaka,” continued Mantharaka, “knowing this, one should not worry about riches.”

If someone has riches and is unable to enjoy them, it’s the same as if he had nothing. 

It is true, what they say:  ‘A man should use his money To provide for his necessities And ยท to give to charity, But not to hoard, For the bees hoard their honey And people take it away .

Even if he hoards it to give to others, It’s still not a good thing, For it’s like handling mud And then washing your hands.

Contentment is what he should aim at, For this is the source of joy, But how can a greedy miser Ever understand the meaning of joy? Now, snakes can live on next to nothing And elephants eat only green stuff, Great sages live on nothing but fruits and herbs, But all these are strong, For they are content with what they have. But what will a man not do for money? He will cast a slur on the righteous, And praise the wicked.’ ”  

When Mantharaka had finished speaking, the crow turned to the mouse and said, “My friend, what Mantharaka has said just now is very true and should be put into practice. Don’t mind his talking like this. Only a real friend will say something unpalatable for your own good; the rest are friends only in name.”

While they were talking, a stag by the name of Chitranga turned up on the scene. He was in a state of panic because the hunters were after him. When they saw him coming, the crow flew up a tree, the mouse slipped into the bushes, and Mantharaka crawled into the lake.

When the crow had been watching the stag carefully for a short time, he called out to the turtle, “Mantharaka, come out, it’s all right. This stag has only come to quench his thirst.”

But Mantharaka, who was a great observer of human nature, replied, “No, No, Laghupatanaka, I don’t think this stag has come to drink water. He is panting for breath and looking fearfully over his shoulder. I think he is being pursued by hunters. Go and find out whether I am right or not.” So the crow flew off.

Then the stag said, “Turtle! You have understood why I am frightened. I escaped the hunter’s arrow and have managed to get this far. Now, I beg of you, show me some place to hide, where the hunters can’t reach me.”

“Stag,” replied Mantharaka, “listen to the nitishastra: ‘There are two ways of rescuing yourself From the clutches of an enemy: You can use your hands to fight Or your feet to run.’

“So in this case, before the wicked hunters arrive, run into the deep jungle over there.” And he pointed out the direction.

Meanwhile, the crow, who had gone to see whether the hunters were about or not, returned and went after the stag. “Chitranga,” he called, “it’s alright! The wicked hunters have killed many animals and have gone with the carcasses. You can come out of the jungle.”

And so, the four of them got friendly and, from that time onward, would meet every day at noon, under the shady trees on the bank of the lake and discuss morals and philosophy. In this way, they spent their time very happily.

One day, it was noon but Chitranga had failed to turn up. The other three got frightened and said to each other, “How is it that our friend has not come? Has he been killed by a lion or shot by the hunter’s arrow or been burnt in a forest fire or caught in a trap? Or has he fallen in a deep pit while trying to reach fresh grass?” Then Mantharaka said to the crow, “Laghupatanaka! Hiranyaka and I move slowly, so we can’t possibly go looking for Chitranga, but you can fly fast. You had better go and search for him to see if he is alive or dead.”

Laghupatanaka started off promptly, but he had flown only a short distance when he discovered Chitranga caught in a net on the bank of the lake. When the crow saw him, he was very upset and said to him, “My dear fellow! How did this happen?”

When the stag saw the crow, he too showed great distress and, with tears in his eyes, he said, “I am on the verge of death. I am very glad that you have found me before I die because I want to say to you that if I have ever, thoughtlessly, said or done anything unkind to you, please forgive me. And please say the same to Hiranyaka and Mantharaka on my behalf.”

“But, Chitranga!” said Laghupatanaka. “Please don’t give up hope when you have friends like us. I shall hurry back and fetch Hiranyaka. Don’t be afraid.”

In this way, the crow put courage in the stag’s heart and quickly flew to Hiranyaka and Mantharaka and told them about Chitranga’s captivity. The mouse said he would rescue Chitranga and jumped on the crow’s back. Then the two of them made their way swiftly to where Chitranga was.

When Chitranga saw them, his spirits brightened and he said:

“The wise choose good friends, For, with their help, It is possible to survive every calamity.”

Then Hiranyaka said to Chitranga, “My friend, you know the nitishastras so well! How was it then that you got caught in this trap?”

“Hiranyaka,” replied Chitranga, “please, this isn’t the time for discussion. Bite off these meshes and free me, before the hunter returns.”

“Now that I am here, you need not worry about the hunter,” said Hiranyaka, “but when people like you get caught in traps, whatever is the good of studying nitishastras!”

“But, if fate is hostile,” said Chitranga, “even your knowledge of nitishastras does not help you. As they say: ‘When Destiny frowns on him, Even a sage May lose his power of thought. What is predestined Cannot be avoided Even by the great.'”

While they were discussing this, Mantharaka, who was worried about his friend’s welfare, also arrived on the scene.

When Laghupatanaka saw him coming, he said, “Oh no! Look, Hiranyaka!”

“What?” said Hiranyaka. “Is the hunter coming?”

“Hunter-nothing!” retorted Laghupatanaka. “It’s Mantharaka who is coming! How silly of him! If the hunter arrives, we shall all be in danger because of him for, I can easily fly away. You, Hiranyaka, can slip into a hole, and Chitranga, when he is freed, can run. But what can this water dweller do to save himself? That’s what worries me.”

Meanwhile, Mantharaka reached them. “Friend,” said Hiranyaka, “you have done a silly thing in coming here! You had better go back as quickly as you can, before the hunter arrives.”

“But, Hiranyaka,” said Mantharaka, “what else could I do? I couldn’t bear to sit and think of my friend suffering, so I came here. I would rather lose my life than lose friends like you. We can get our lives back in the next birth, but not the friends we’ve lost.”

While they were talking, the hunter appeared with an arrow fixed to his bow. As soon as they saw him approaching, Hiranyaka quickly finished biting off Chitranga’s meshes and the stag bolted. Laghupatanaka flew to the top of a tree, and Hiranyaka slipped into a hole nearby.

The hunter was very disappointed to see the stag escape, but when he saw Mantharaka slowly dragging himself towards the lake, he thought to himself, “Fate has snatched away the stag from me, but at least it has sent this turtle for my food. His flesh will satisfy my whole family.”

And so, the hunter caught the turtle and tied him up with a net of grass blades. And, slinging him on his shoulder, beside his bow, he started off for home.

When Hiranyaka saw the turtle being carried away, he was heart-broken and he said, “Oh, what a dreadful thing to happen to us! Hardly had we got over one trouble when the other was upon us! Disasters never come singly. Destiny, that destroyed my hoard of food, has also snatched away my friend, and a friend like Mantharaka is not easy to find. Destiny, why are you showering me with arrows of misfortune? First I lost my hoard of food, then I was separated from my friends and family, then I had to leave my home; and now, as if all that wasn’t enough, my dearest friend has been snatched away from me forever. Such is the fate of all living creatures. They say: ‘You get more cuts Where there’s already a wound, And when the money is short, You feel more hungry than usual!’ And, ‘When you are already in trouble, Your enemies multiply, And when you are weak Most evils arise.'”

Meanwhile, Laghupatanaka and Chitranga arrived where Hiranyaka was, their eyes flooding with tears.

“You can stop crying,” said Hiranyaka, “and do something about it before Mantharaka gets out of sight. We must think of a plan to save him. As they say: ‘When calamity strikes, To cry serves no purpose, It only increases the sorrow.'”

“You are right,” said the crow. “Listen, I have a plan. Let Chitranga lie on the ground in the hunter’s path as though he was dead. I will sit on his head and pretend to peck at his eyes with my beak. Then the hunter will think, Chitranga is really dead and he will drop Mantharaka and run after Chitranga. The minute he does this, Hiranyaka must start biting the grass net and set Mantharaka free. Mantharaka will then make for the lake, as fast as he can. Meanwhile, Chitranga, I shall tell you the right moment to get up and make a dash to safety, before the hunter can reach you.”

“What an excellent plan!” said Chitranga. “I take it for granted that Mantharaka is as good as free. As they say: ‘A wise man’s instinct tells him, If a plan is going to succeed or not.'”

And so they carried out Laghupatanaka’s plan.

The hunter was going along the bank of the lake when suddenly, he saw a stag lying in his path and a crow pecking at his eyes. Delighted with the sight, he said, “This is the same stag that slipped from my clutches and escaped into the jungle. Perhaps he has died of exhaustion. Well, the turtle is safely tied up, so I will drop him and catch the stag. Then I shall have them both.”

And so, he put down the turtle and approached the stag. In the meantime, Hiranyaka quickly bit the meshes with his sharp teeth and Mantharaka crawled to the safety of the lake. Chitranga, prompted by the crow, also made a dash to safety and Hiranyaka and Laghupatanaka also fled to safety.

The hunter looked dejectedly after the bolting stag and then returned to the place where he had dropped the turtle. He was astonished to find him gone. He stood amazed and sadly addressed his fate in the following words: “Destiny! A fat stag, that was caught in my net, was snatched away from me by you! A turtle vanished at your command. Here I am, wandering solitary and hungry in the jungle. If there is something else you want to do to me, then do it now! I am ready to bear it.” After crying out in this way for some time, he finally went home.

When the hunter was gone, the four friends came out of the hiding places and danced with delight. They hugged each other joyfully and returned to their usual place, on the bank of the lake. They felt as though they had been reborn. From then on, they spent their time very happily, talking to each other about philosophy and morals.

And so, it is wise to make an effort to make friends and to behave straightforwardly towards them, for: “He who makes friends And never deceives them, Shall triumph over all his troubles.”

Read the Third Tantra CROWS AND OWLS

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