

Once upon a time, there lived a king, by the name of Nanda. He ruled the entire land surrounded by the seas and his power was known far off, like the bright moon of autumn. The light reflecting from the crowns of many kings, who knelt before him, used to make the footstool, where he rested his feet, seem brightly coloured.

The king had a minister called Vararuchi, an expert in politics and philosophy.

One day, Vararuchi’s wife was sulking. He adopted every tactic he could think of to bring her round, but failed. As a last resort, he said, “My darling, I will do anything to make you happy.”

“All right then!” she replied. “Get your head shaved off and fall at my feet! Then I shall be happy.”

The minister did so and his wife made up with him.

In the same way, King Nanda’s queen had a sulking fit. Her husband, the king, did his best to bring her round, but failed. Finally, he said to her, “My darling, I will do anything to make you happy. Just say the word.”

“All right then!” replied the queen. “Let me put a bit in your mouth, ride you like a horse and make you gallop. And while you are running, you must neigh. If you do this, I will be happy.”

The king did so and the queen became her usual self again.

Early the following morning, when the king entered the court, he saw Vararuchi with his head shaved off. He said to him, “Vararuchi! Why have you shaved your head all of a sudden?”

“Your Majesty,” he replied, “in what way doesn’t a man do what a woman asks him to do? On her request, he neighs like a horse and shaves his head at odd times.”

“And so,” continued the monkey, “like Nanda and Vararuchi, you too, wicked crocodile, are a slave to your wife. You had conspired to kill me, but your chatter gave you away. It’s so true what they say: ‘Silence is golden, Parrots and other cackling birds get caught Whilst the cranes stay free. So, by keeping quiet one succeeds.’ And, ‘The donkey, who was dressed up in a tiger’s skin, Was frightening to look at, But he got killed because he brayed.'”

“How was that?” asked the crocodile.


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