
The Resurrection

The Resurrection, Bible Story

Jesus had many followers who loved him dearly. They listened to his teachings and saw the amazing miracles he performed, like healing the sick and even raising people from the dead.

But not everyone was happy about Jesus’ teachings. Some people didn’t understand him, and others were jealous of his popularity.

One day, Jesus was arrested by some soldiers and taken away to be punished. They put him on a cross and nailed him to it, and Jesus died. His friends and followers were very sad. They thought they had lost their beloved teacher forever.

Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb, which was like a big cave with a big stone in front of it. Some of his friends went to the tomb to visit him, but when they arrived, they were in for a big surprise.

The stone had been rolled away from the tomb, and when they went inside, Jesus’ body was gone! They were confused and scared. Suddenly, two angels appeared and said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? Jesus is not here; he has risen!”

At first, the friends didn’t believe it. They were so shocked! But then they remembered what Jesus had told them before. He said that he would die, but after three days, he would rise again.

The friends ran back to tell the others the good news. Jesus was alive! He had risen from the dead, just like he said he would.

Jesus appeared to his friends and followers several times after that, showing them that he was alive and well. They were overjoyed to see him again and knew that he was truly the Son of God.

And so, children, the story of the Resurrection is a story of hope and joy. It reminds us that even when things seem dark and scary, God is always with us. Jesus’ resurrection shows us that love and goodness are stronger than anything, even death.

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