
The Little Red Hen’s Bedtime Surprise

a hen is cooking in kitchen, a pig, a cow is watching from window

Once upon a time, in a cozy farm nestled in the heart of the countryside, there lived a diligent little hen named Rosie. Rosie was known far and wide for her hardworking nature and her love for baking delicious treats.

Every day, Rosie would wake up with the sunrise, clucking cheerfully as she tended to her garden and cared for the other animals on the farm. She would scratch and peck at the earth, planting seeds and nurturing her crops with tender care.

One sunny afternoon, as Rosie was taking a break from her gardening duties, she had a wonderful idea. “I’m going to bake a special treat for all my friends on the farm!” she exclaimed excitedly.

With newfound energy, Rosie flapped her wings and set off to gather the finest ingredients for her surprise. She collected golden grains of wheat from the fields, plump berries from the bushes, and sweet honey from the buzzing beehives.

Back in her cozy kitchen, Rosie rolled up her sleeves and got to work. She mixed the flour with the honey, added a sprinkle of berries for sweetness, and kneaded the dough with all her might. Soon, the kitchen was filled with the warm, comforting aroma of freshly baked bread.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Rosie’s friends started to gather outside her farmhouse, drawn by the tantalizing scent of her baking.

First came Benny the pig, his snout twitching with anticipation. “What’s that delicious smell, Rosie?” he asked eagerly.

“It’s a surprise, Benny,” Rosie replied with a mischievous wink.

Next came Daisy the cow, her bell tinkling softly as she ambled over to join the growing crowd. “I hope it’s something sweet!” she mooed.

Rosie chuckled and nodded. “You’ll just have to wait and see!”

Soon, the entire farmyard was buzzing with excitement as Rosie’s friends eagerly awaited her bedtime surprise.

Finally, the moment arrived. With a flourish, Rosie emerged from her farmhouse, carrying a large basket filled to the brim with freshly baked treats. The aroma of warm bread and sweet berries filled the air, making everyone’s mouths water with anticipation.

“Ta-da!” Rosie exclaimed, beaming with pride. “I present to you all… my bedtime surprise!”

Her friends gasped in delight as they gathered around, eagerly reaching for the delicious treats. Benny snatched up a warm slice of bread, while Daisy happily munched on a handful of berries.

“This is amazing, Rosie!” they exclaimed between bites. “Thank you for such a wonderful surprise!”

Rosie smiled contentedly as she watched her friends enjoy her homemade treats. As the night grew darker and the stars shone brighter overhead, she couldn’t help but feel a warm glow of happiness inside.

And so, with full bellies and happy hearts, Rosie and her friends bid each other goodnight, knowing that they would always cherish the memories of this special bedtime surprise.

And as Rosie nestled into her cozy nest for the night, she couldn’t help but drift off to sleep with a contented smile on her beak, knowing that she had brought joy and happiness to all who lived on the farm.

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