
The Bird in Borrowed Feathers

a jackdaw flying and a peacock feather is lying on the ground

Once upon a time, in the land of feathered friends, there lived a little black Jackdaw. This Jackdaw wasn’t the fanciest bird around, and he often felt a bit envious when he looked at the royal Peacocks living in the King’s palace garden.

One day, as the Jackdaw was flying over the palace, he couldn’t believe his eyes. There they were, the Peacocks, strutting around in their magnificent, colorful feathers. Oh, how he wished he could be as grand as them!

The Jackdaw hatched a plan. He thought, “Why not borrow a few of those splendid feathers? Maybe then I’ll be as beautiful as the Peacocks.” So, he gathered some discarded Peacock feathers and stuck them into his own plain black plumage.

Proudly adorned in his borrowed finery, the Jackdaw joined his fellow black-feathered friends, hoping they’d be impressed. With newfound confidence, he fluttered down to the garden where the Peacocks were hanging out.

But, oh dear! The Peacocks immediately recognized the little trickster. Angry at the Jackdaw’s attempt to copy their beauty, they swooped down and plucked away both the borrowed feathers and a few of the Jackdaw’s own.

Feeling a little foolish, the poor Jackdaw sadly returned to his black-feathered companions. However, they weren’t too forgiving. Remembering the Jackdaw’s earlier snooty attitude, they gave him a good pecking and chased him away with playful jeers.

And so, the little Jackdaw learned a valuable lesson that day: It’s not about the feathers you wear; it’s about being true to yourself. Borrowed feathers might look nice, but they won’t turn you into a truly fine bird. The end.

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