
The Bird-catcher and the Blackbird

a Beautyful small black bird flying in the sky, and a man standing with net on the ground looking up

Once upon a time, in a peaceful meadow, there lived a curious Blackbird. One day, Blackbird noticed a man setting up something near the trees.

“Hello! What are you doing?” chirped Blackbird.

The man, a bird-catcher with a sly smile, replied, “Greetings, dear Blackbird! I’m building a marvelous city just for birds like you! It will have tasty food, cozy nests, and everything you need for a happy life.”

Excited about the prospect of a bird paradise, Blackbird hopped into the nets, thinking about the delicious meals and comfy nests. But, oh dear! As soon as Blackbird landed, the nets closed around, trapping him.

The bird-catcher emerged from his hiding spot, ready to collect his unsuspecting prey. But Blackbird, clever and not too pleased about being tricked, chirped defiantly, “If this is your idea of a city and kindness, with nets and traps as welcome signs, then I don’t want to be part of it!”

The bird-catcher scratched his head, realizing his clever ruse hadn’t worked. Blackbird fluttered out of the nets, leaving the not-so-clever bird-catcher with an empty trap.

As Blackbird soared into the sky, he looked back and chirped, “Real cities are filled with trust, honesty, and kindness, not traps! I’ll stick to our lovely meadow where true friends and freedom abound.”

And so, Blackbird continued to explore the meadow, sharing tales of the adventure with other birds and teaching them the importance of being cautious and wise. In their meadow, where honesty and trust were valued, the birds lived happily ever after. The end.

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