
The bear and two Travelers

a boy climbing on the tree & another boy lying on the ground like sleeping. a bear sniffing the boy lying on the ground

Once upon a time, two friends were taking a stroll through a magical forest when, all of a sudden, a giant Bear burst out from the bushes! The friends were scared but knew they had to do something quickly.

One of the friends, thinking of his own safety, scampered up a tall tree. He thought, “I’ll be safe up here!”

The other friend, feeling a bit braver, knew he couldn’t fight the big, furry Bear by himself. So, he had a clever idea. He threw himself on the ground and pretended to be as still as a statue. Why? Because he had heard that Bears don’t bother with things that seem like they’re not moving.

The Bear, curious and sniffing around, came up to the friend on the ground. It took a good whiff and poked the friend’s head. The brave friend stayed perfectly still, just like he was playing the best game of pretend.

After a little while, the Bear decided that the friend on the ground must be just a rock or something. So, the Bear lumbered away into the forest.

Now, the friend who had climbed the tree felt safe enough to come back down. He looked at his friend and asked, “Did that Bear say anything to you? What happened?”

The friend on the ground chuckled and said, “Well, the Bear didn’t exactly talk, but it felt like he whispered something important. He told me that it’s not very smart to be friends with someone who runs away when things get tough.”

And that’s the story of the Bear and the two friends. The Bear taught them that true friends stick together, especially when things get a little scary. So, the friends continued their journey through the magical forest, knowing that real friendship is the most magical thing of all. The end.

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