
The Ass Carrying an Image

a donkey carrying a special statue on his back , walking on the street and people are bowing to the donkey

Once upon a time, in a lively city, there lived a hardworking and humble donkey. This donkey had a kind master who was asked to carry a special statue, or as they called it, an “Idol,” from the artist’s workshop to a temple in another part of the city.

The donkey, feeling proud to be chosen for such an important task, happily carried the Idol on his back through the bustling streets. As he trotted along, he noticed something peculiar – the people in the city were bowing and smiling as he passed. They seemed to be showing great respect!

Feeling quite pleased with himself, the donkey thought, “Ah, they must be bowing to me, the magnificent donkey!” With that thought, he perked up his ears, swished his tail proudly, and walked with a little more swagger.

Finally, they reached the temple, and the Idol was carefully placed in its new home. The donkey felt like a superstar, basking in the imagined glory of the people’s admiration.

However, as the day went on, the donkey’s mood began to change. When it was time to go back home, his master hopped on his back, and they started their journey. The master wasn’t too happy with the payment he received for the job, and the donkey, feeling the weight of his master’s dissatisfaction, started to notice something surprising – no one paid him any attention anymore.

As they walked through the streets, the donkey realized that the bows and smiles were not for him but for the Idol he had carried earlier. No one cared about the donkey alone; they had only admired him because he was carrying something special.

The donkey learned a valuable lesson that day – it’s not about the fancy things we carry or the attention we receive for a short while. True worth comes from being humble and doing our best, even when no one is watching.

From that day on, the donkey happily went back to his ordinary tasks, knowing that being kind and helpful was more important than fleeting moments of fame. And so, in the heart of the city, the story of the donkey and the Idol became a reminder to cherish true goodness rather than seeking empty praise. The end.

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