
The Ass and his Masters

a sad donkey with a herb seller

Once upon a time, in a land filled with green meadows, there lived a kind-hearted donkey named Donkey. He belonged to a friendly herb-seller who, unfortunately, didn’t give him enough food and made him work very hard.

One day, feeling tired and hungry, Donkey decided to ask the mighty Jupiter, the king of the gods, for help. He wished to have a new master who would treat him better.

Jupiter, listening to the donkey’s plea, warned him, “Be careful what you wish for, my friend. Sometimes, what seems better may not be the best.”

But Donkey was determined, so Jupiter granted his request. The herb-seller sold Donkey to a tile-maker. At first, things seemed okay, but soon Donkey realized he had even heavier loads to carry and more challenging work in the brick-field.

Feeling tired once again, Donkey went back to Jupiter, asking for another change of master. Jupiter, reminding him that this would be the last time, granted his wish. Donkey was sold to a tanner, someone who worked with animal hides.

To Donkey’s dismay, he found out that he had fallen into even worse hands. Looking at his new master’s tools, Donkey groaned, saying, “Oh, I wish I were back with my first master or even the one who made me carry heavy bricks. This new owner will use my skin even after I’m gone, and that won’t be pleasant at all!”

And so, Donkey learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes, what we have might not be perfect, but wishing for something different doesn’t always lead to something better. It’s essential to appreciate what we have and be careful about what we ask for.

And from that day on, Donkey tried his best to be content with his situation, knowing that it’s better to appreciate the good things in life rather than always seeking something else. And he lived happily, braying in the meadows, appreciating the simple joys around him. The end.

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