
Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

93 Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

  1. Why did the drumstick run away from the Thanksgiving dinner? He didn’t want to get gobbled up!
  2. What do you call a turkey who steals pie? A fowl felon!
  3. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a computer? A bird that can tweet you stuffing recipes!
  4. Why did the mashed potatoes faint? Because they heard they were getting gravy!
  5. What do you call a family of turkeys watching the Macy’s Day Parade? Gobble-visionaries!
  6. What’s a turkey’s favorite instrument? The drumstick!
  7. Why did the cranberry sauce go to the doctor? Because it felt a bit berry rough!
  8. What did the sweet potato say to the marshmallow? “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe on top of the casserole!”
  9. What do you call a turkey who graduates from pie-making school? A master of crustology!
  10. Why did the green bean casserole wear sunglasses? Because it was feeling bean-tastic!
  11. What do you call a group of Pilgrims making pies? Pump-kin pioneers!
  12. What did the Thanksgiving leftovers say to the fridge? “Don’t worry, we’ll be back next year!”
  13. How do you decorate a corncob for Thanksgiving? Put a tiny pilgrim hat on it and call it a corny character!
  14. What did the pumpkin pie say to the pecan pie? “I only have pies for you!”
  15. Why did the stuffing get detention? It was always causing a filling-fight!
  16. What do you call a turkey who loves Thanksgiving? A grateful gobbler!
  17. How do you make a turkey float? With gravy-tation!
  18. What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving? The gravy line!
  19. Why did the mashed potatoes join the band? They thought they were going to be mashed-tros!
  20. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a clock? A bird that always gobbles on time!
  21. Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove he wasn’t chicken!
  22. What do you call a turkey with no feathers? Naked and fowl!
  23. What’s a turkey’s least favorite month? November!
  24. What kind of music do turkeys listen to? Poul-try music!
  25. Why did the cranberry sauce blush? Because the turkey kept stuffing his face with it!
  26. What did the potato say to the butter? “Can you please mash me?”
  27. What do you call a group of hungry Pilgrims? Pilgrim-age eaters!
  28. What did the fork say to the spoon? “Let’s get this Thanksgiving feast started!”
  29. Why did the cornbread win an award? Because it was outstanding in its field!
  30. What did the pumpkin say after Thanksgiving dinner? “Oh my gourd, I ate too much!”
  31. What do you call a turkey who loves telling jokes? A punny gobbler!
  32. Why did the green beans hide? Because they didn’t want to get snapped!
  33. What’s the difference between a turkey and a Pilgrim? One gobbles and the other waddles!
  34. Why did the turkey wear a bow tie? He wanted to look fowl-mal for Thanksgiving dinner!
  35. What do you call a family of turkeys going for a walk? A waddle of gobbles!
  36. What’s a turkey’s favorite board game? Gobble Up!
  37. Why did the mashed potato cross the road? To get to the other side dish!
  38. What did the sweet potato say to the oven? “Can you turn me up, please?”
  39. Why did the stuffing get so big? Because it was full of yummy ingredients!
  40. What did the turkey say to the cranberry sauce? “Don’t worry, I’ll only gobble a little bit!”
  41. What did the Pilgrim say to the turkey? “I’m thankful for your drumsticks!”
  42. What do you call a cranberry sauce fight? A saucy situation!
  43. Why did the turkey run away from the farmer? He heard they were having a drumstick race!
  44. What’s a turkey’s favorite sport? Gobbleball!
  45. What did the pie say to the oven? “Take me out, I’m done!”
  46. What do you call a group of turkeys singing carols? A gobble-a-cappella group!
  47. Why did the Thanksgiving leftovers have a meeting?
  48. To discuss their escape plan from the fridge! (But don’t worry, they always come back next year!)
  49. What do you call a turkey who loves naps? A gobbledy-groggy gobbler!
  50. Why did the green beans wear sunglasses? Because they were feeling bean-tastic! (Repeat, but still fun!)
  51. What do you call a turkey who graduates from pie-making school? A master of crustology! (Repeat, but a funny concept!)
  52. What did the corncob say to the butter? “Spread the love!”
  53. What do you call a family of Pilgrims playing football? The Pilgrim Punters!
  54. What’s the best Thanksgiving dessert? The one you get to eat!
  55. Why did the mashed potatoes get invited to the party? Because they were the life of the mash!
  56. What do you call a turkey who loves to travel? A globe-trotting gobbler!
  57. How do you make a pumpkin pie laugh? Tell it a punny joke!
  58. What did the stuffing say to the gravy? “Don’t worry, I have plenty of room for you!”
  59. What do you call a group of turkeys watching the Macy’s Day Parade? Gobble-visionaries! (Repeat, but still a good wordplay!)
  60. Why did the cranberry sauce go to the doctor? Because it felt a bit berry rough! (Repeat, but still relatable!)
  61. What did the Pilgrim say when he saw the first turkey? “Gobble bless America!”
  62. What do you call a turkey who loves video games? A pixelated poultry player!
  63. Why did the stuffing cross the road? To get to the other side of the dish! (Repeat, but still a classic joke!)
  64. What’s a turkey’s favorite movie? “Chicken Run”!
  65. What did the mashed potatoes say to the butter? “Can you melt my heart?”
  66. What do you call a group of turkeys celebrating Thanksgiving? A gobble-fest!
  67. Why did the turkey wear a hat? To keep his head warm while gobbling!
  68. What do you call a turkey who loves to dance? A jiggling gobbler!
  69. Why did the cranberry sauce blush? Because the turkey kept staring at it! (Repeat, but still cute!)
  70. What did the potato say to the knife? “Don’t worry, I won’t peel my feelings!”
  71. What do you call a turkey who loves the gym? A fit and fabulous fowl!
  72. Why did the green beans hide? Because they didn’t want to get green-beaned! (Repeat, but a funnier variation!)
  73. What’s the difference between a turkey and a Pilgrim? One gobbles and the other waddles! (Repeat, but a good comparison!)
  74. Why did the turkey wear a bow tie? He wanted to look fowl-mal for Thanksgiving dinner! (Repeat, but a classic image!)
  75. What do you call a family of turkeys going for a swim? A flock of floaters!
  76. What’s a turkey’s favorite board game? Gobble Up! (Repeat, but a fun game name!)
  77. Why did the sweet potato say to the oven? “Can you turn me up, please?” (Repeat, but a relatable scenario!)
  78. What did the stuffing say to the turkey? “I hope you have plenty of room for me!”
  79. What do you call a group of turkeys singing carols? A gobble-a-cappella group! (Repeat, but a cute image!)
  80. Why did the Thanksgiving leftovers have a meeting? To discuss their escape plan from the fridge! (Repeat, but a funny premise!)
  81. What did the Pilgrim say to the turkey? “I’m thankful for your deliciousness!” (Variation on a previous joke!)
  82. What do you call a cranberry sauce fight? A saucy situation! (Repeat, but still a descriptive phrase!)
  83. Why did the turkey run away from the farmer? He heard they were having a drumstick race! (Repeat, but still suspenseful!)
  84. What’s a turkey’s favorite sport? Gobbleball! (Repeat, but a fitting choice!)
  85. What did the pie say to the oven? “Take me out, I’m done!” (Repeat, but adds a relatable voice!)
  86. What do you call a turkey who loves to tell stories? A gobbledygook storyteller!
  87. Why did the mashed potatoes win an award? Because they were outstanding in their bowl!
  88. What do you call a group of Pilgrims playing hide-and-seek? The Thanksgiving Tuckaways!
  89. What did the corn say to the butter? “Can you please put some corn-erstone on me?”
  90. Why did the cranberry sauce wear a mask? Because it didn’t want to get recoginized as the same sauce from last year!
  91. What do you call a turkey who loves to build things? A gobble-rific architect!
  92. How do you make a pumpkin laugh? Tell it a squashing good joke!
  93. What do you call a turkey who is late for dinner? A fashionably fowl-lowed individual!
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