
Noah’s Big Boat

a big boat, looks like Noha's Ark

Origin: Genesis 6-9 in the Bible

Once upon a time, there was a man named Noah who lived with his family in a land filled with people who were not very kind. But Noah was different. He loved and obeyed God with all his heart.

One day, God looked down upon the earth and saw how wicked and evil the people had become. He was saddened by what He saw and decided to send a great flood to wash away all the badness from the earth. But God knew that Noah and his family were good and faithful, so He chose them to be saved.

God spoke to Noah and said, “Noah, I am going to put an end to all living creatures because the earth is filled with violence. But I want you to build an ark, a big boat, and gather two of every kind of animal, male and female, and bring them onto the ark with you. I will send a great flood to cover the earth, but you and your family will be safe inside the ark.”

Noah obeyed God’s instructions without question. He gathered his family and began building the ark. It was a massive boat, long and wide, with plenty of room for Noah, his family, and all the animals.

As Noah worked on the ark, people in the land laughed and mocked him, saying, “Why are you building a boat in the middle of nowhere? It’s not going to rain for years!” But Noah kept building, trusting in God’s plan.

Finally, the ark was finished, and it was time for Noah and his family to enter the boat. They gathered the animals, two by two, and brought them onto the ark. Then, God shut the door behind them.

For forty days and forty nights, the rain poured down from the sky, and the waters rose higher and higher until they covered the entire earth. But inside the ark, Noah, his family, and all the animals were safe and dry.

After the floodwaters receded and the land dried up, God made a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the earth with a flood again. To seal this covenant, God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise.

Noah and his family rejoiced, thankful for God’s protection and provision. They disembarked from the ark and began to populate the earth once again.

And so, children, the story of Noah’s Big Boat teaches us about obedience, trust, and God’s faithfulness. Noah listened to God and obeyed His commands, even when others doubted him. Because of his faithfulness, Noah and his family were saved from the flood, and God made a covenant with them.

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