
Jesus Heals a Sick Man

Jesus touching a sick person, Bible Story

Origin: Matthew 8:1-4 in the Bible

Once upon a time, in a village far away, there lived a man who was very sick. This man had a skin disease called leprosy, and it made him feel very sad and lonely. In those days, people who had leprosy were not allowed to be around others because they were afraid of catching the disease.

One day, the sick man heard about a kind and powerful teacher named Jesus. He heard that Jesus had healed many people who were sick, blind, and even paralyzed. The sick man felt a glimmer of hope in his heart and decided to seek out Jesus for help.

With great courage, the sick man approached Jesus. He fell to his knees and cried out, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

Jesus was moved with compassion when he saw the sick man’s suffering. He reached out his hand and touched the man, saying, “I am willing. Be clean!”

Instantly, the man’s skin disease disappeared, and he was completely healed! He felt a surge of joy and gratitude wash over him. He couldn’t believe it! He was no longer sick and could return to his family and friends.

But Jesus had one more important thing to tell the man. He said, “Go and show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them.”

The man was filled with gratitude and did exactly as Jesus had instructed. He went to the priest and showed him that he was healed. The priest was amazed and declared that the man was indeed clean and free from his disease.

News of the miraculous healing spread throughout the village, and everyone praised God for the wonderful things Jesus had done. The once-sick man was now healthy and happy, thanks to the healing touch of Jesus.

And so, children, the story of Jesus healing the sick man teaches us about the power of compassion, kindness, and faith. Jesus showed us that he cares for each and every one of us, and he has the power to heal us, both physically and spiritually.

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