
Building the Tower

a high raised tower, bible story

Once upon a time, in a land where everyone spoke the same language, there was a big city. In this city, the people decided to build a tall tower that reached up to the sky. They wanted to make a name for themselves and show how powerful they were.

Every day, the people worked hard, stacking bricks on top of each other to make the tower taller and taller. They thought that if they built the tower high enough, they could reach the heavens and be like gods.

But God saw what the people were doing, and He wasn’t pleased. He knew that their pride and arrogance were leading them away from Him. So, God decided to do something to stop them.

One day, while the people were busy building the tower, God made something amazing happen. He caused the people to start speaking different languages! Suddenly, they couldn’t understand each other anymore.

Confusion spread among the workers, and they couldn’t communicate or work together. They started arguing and fighting, and the construction of the tower came to a halt.

Without being able to understand one another, the people couldn’t continue building the tower. Eventually, they gave up and scattered all over the earth, each group speaking their own language.

And so, children, the story of the Tower of Babel teaches us an important lesson about pride and humility. The people in the story wanted to be powerful and famous, but they forgot to honor God and His plans for them.

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