

The Lost Sheep

a shepherd and a sheep

Origin: Luke 15:1-7 in the Bible

Once upon a time, in a beautiful countryside, there was a shepherd who had a flock of one hundred sheep. Every day, the shepherd would lead his sheep to lush green pastures where they could graze and drink from clear, cool streams.

One sunny day, as the shepherd counted his sheep, he realized that one of them was missing! He counted again, but the same sheep was still missing. The shepherd felt very sad because he loved each and every one of his sheep.

Without hesitation, the shepherd left his ninety-nine sheep in the safe pasture and went out to search for the lost one. He walked through valleys, climbed over hills, and searched behind bushes, calling out, “Little sheep, where are you?”

Finally, after much searching, the shepherd found the lost sheep tangled in thorns, unable to move. The sheep was scared and bleating softly for help.

The shepherd gently untangled the sheep from the thorns and lifted it onto his shoulders. He carried the sheep back to the flock, rejoicing all the way. When he arrived, he called together his friends and neighbors, saying, “Rejoice with me, for I have found my lost sheep!”

Everyone celebrated with joy because the lost sheep had been found safe and sound.

Jesus told this story to teach us about God’s love for each and every one of us. He said, “I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

Just like the shepherd cared for his lost sheep, God cares for each one of us. If we ever feel lost or scared, we can trust that God will come searching for us with open arms, ready to bring us back into His loving care.

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