

A Lesson in Honesty

a boy found an apple on the village street

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and lush green fields, there lived a boy named Sam. Sam was known throughout the village for his mischievous ways. He loved playing pranks on his friends and telling tall tales to anyone who would listen. Despite his antics, Sam had a good heart deep down.

One sunny morning, as Sam was walking through the village square, he stumbled upon a shiny red apple lying on the ground. His stomach rumbled with hunger, and he eagerly picked up the apple, inspecting it closely. It looked delicious, and Sam’s mouth watered at the thought of biting into its juicy flesh. But then, he remembered something his grandmother had always told him: “Honesty is the best policy.”

Sam knew that the apple didn’t belong to him. It must have fallen from someone’s basket, and they would surely miss it. He glanced around, but there was no one in sight. Temptation gnawed at him, urging him to take a bite, but he resisted. With a sigh, he decided to do the right thing and return the apple to its rightful owner.

He walked through the village, asking everyone he met if they had lost an apple, but no one claimed it. Just as he was about to give up, he spotted Mrs. Jenkins, the kind old lady who ran the village bakery. She was frantically searching her basket, a look of dismay on her face.

“Mrs. Jenkins, is this your apple?” Sam asked, holding it out to her.

Mrs. Jenkins gasped in delight and took the apple from him. “Oh, bless your heart, Sam! Yes, that’s my apple. Thank you so much for returning it to me.”

Sam smiled proudly, feeling a warm glow of satisfaction spread through him. Mrs. Jenkins patted him on the head and offered him a freshly baked cookie as a reward for his honesty. Sam’s eyes lit up with joy as he accepted the treat.

From that day on, Sam realized the importance of honesty. He stopped playing pranks and telling lies, choosing instead to always speak the truth and do what was right. His friends admired his integrity, and Sam became known as the most trustworthy boy in the village.

Years passed, and Sam grew into a fine young man, respected by all who knew him. Whenever he faced a difficult decision, he would remember the lesson he had learned that sunny morning in the village square: that honesty is indeed the best policy.

Moral of the story: Honesty is always the best policy. No matter how tempting it may be to take the easy way out, telling the truth and doing what is right will ultimately bring greater rewards and earn the respect of others.

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